Increase your yield by up to 30%;
Reduce your operating expenses;
Premium corporate client tenants;
Weekly cleaning and maintenance check of your flats;
Transparency, with no commission or hidden fees;
Access to our online property partners portal with live updates on generated revenue.
LuxFlat will be your perfect partner. We expedite your lease-up, and reduce your operating expenses. Depending on the collaboration model you chose, we can increase your yield by up to 30%. We achieve this by working exclusively with multinational companies who are looking for premium serviced flats for their senior managers moving to Luxembourg.
Luxflat offers 2 collaborations models:
a) normal lease agreement where LuxFlat will be your tenant;
b) revenue sharing agreement, where we share the revenues generated by your flat, 80% for you, 20% for LuxFlat. Historically with the revenue sharing agreement our property managers increased their yield by 30%.
We only guarantee a monthly revenue under the lease agreement model. Having said that, our occupancy rate for all our flats for the last 24 months (although Covid-19 period) has been above 95% and all our property managers increased their yearly income by an average of 32% compared to what they used to generate under standard lease agreements.
You will receive access to Partners Portal, which gives you real-time data documenting revenue, and performance of all your units managed by LuxFlat.
Our aim is to hold each property for at least three years; our minimum contract duration is 1 year.
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