Join now LuxFlat exclusive Landlords Network!
Since 2019 we created several success stories and helped many landlords achieve a piece of mind and better income from their properties.
Corporate Housing Platform with premium tenants. We enable our Landlords to generate 30% revenue increase on their monthly rent, while keeping their properties in excellent condition.
Keep your flat in excellent condition thanks to a weekly cleaning and a weekly maintenance check.
Increase your revenue by an average of 30% per month and per year in comparison to a normal lease contract.
100% of our guests are senior managers working for international firms staying for months.
Complete the form below. Add your contact information. A Property Consultant will review your submission and reach out as soon as possible.
Since 2019 we created several success stories and helped many landlords achieve a piece of mind and better income from their properties.
Our properties are always in great condition and ready for a memorable welcome and guest experience. From a weekly cleaning and linen change, to a 7/7 maintenance intervention we guarantee our tenants a peaceful stay and your property a long term increase in value.
Through LuxFlat partners portal you have real time access to your bookings, payouts and calendar. You are on control.
*A password will be e-mailed to you